Wind River 200


RUSA Route #660. The start and finish of this ride are in residential northeast Portland at Wilshire park (restrooms and water).
This is a very scenic Columbia Gorge 200k, with many kilometers on the amazing Historic Columbia River Highway and Trail, the iconic Bridge of the Gods, and the wild Washougal River. Services are mostly well-spaced. Some roads, particularly WA-14 and Washougal River Road, have both fast vehicle traffic and substandard shoulders.

  • Waiver Here. You must print your own, sign and bring to the start. No waivers are available at the start.
  • No cuesheets. Print your own using the RideWithGPS file.
  • No card. If you are not using a camera or GPS, contact Michael if you want to use a card. 

Saturday July 29, 2023

Start Time 
7:00AM - 8:00AM 
Bring your signed waiver, Ride information and list of riders mailed to registered riders, Thursday or early Friday before the brevet.

Start Location
Wilshire Park along Skidmore.

Here is a complete list of procedures and requirements. It is important that you follow all of the procedures. Ride verification is being done via text/email EPP: GPS links, timestamp photos, or scanned paperwork.

Entry Info
$5 cash, no day of event entry.

Additional Info
Contact Michael if you have questions.